The noun alignment refers to the correct positioning of something.
My view is that we are all unique beings and Reiki aids us gently to find and recognise what is our own “correct positioning”, as in our ways of walking, standing, sitting and also thinking, behaving and simply being our own , unique, wonderful selves!

I often get asked "Do I need to be unwell to receive Reiki?" The answer is NO, you don’t need to be unwell to receive Reiki. Self care helps you stay healthier, recover better from illness or injury, and live better in spite of chronic illness. Reiki should be part of your self care routine. Reiki boosts your immune system making you stronger from within.
I often get asked "Why should my child have Reiki if they are not ill?" Reiki is a non invasive gentle therapy that helps us stay in alignment, helps us stay in balance, in harmony. Reiki replenishes your energy levels. Reiki travels through your spiritual, emotional , energetic and physical body bringing you what you need to stay healthy by promoting deep relaxation. Deep relaxation allows the central nervous system to recuperate and rest.
How many of us really have the opportunity within our forever busy lives to experience deep relaxation? Our children spend a long time at school learning, interacting, “behaving”, following rules and commands and sharing their energy with others. Reiki helps them to have a unique experience of their own. Allows them awareness of their feelings in a gentle, friendly and relaxed way. Reiki teaches children about their body, the connection between body and mind and the Universe around them. Reiki brings children awareness of their feelings in a very gentle way. Reiki is Kind. Reiki creates a safe space to let go and re-align.